How Viveo Health HR Department Automated Employment Contracts and Workflows for Scale

8 jurisdictions
83% Faster contact drafting
5 Contracts drafted simultaneously
3 Weeks for the CLM full launch

When moving from a startup to a scale-up you need to automate as much as you can. The processes that were handled manually just yesterday become the number one priority for automation to keep your team focused on growth, not administrative tasks.

That’s what Liisi Kütner, a former Recruitment & HR Partner at Viveo Health, understood when found herself in the very middle of struggle: conducting multiple contracts and other legal documents on a daily basis while Viveo Health needed to accelerate the hiring process and build up Latvian and Lithuanian teams. Avokaado helped the company manage and scale its employment process from ca 3 to 10 closed hires per month by automating HR contracts creation, workflow and document management.

“I was actively involved in the recruitment processes while conducting multiple contracts for scaling the team, so the promise for some contract automation sounded like a heaven”,

Liisi Kütner, a former Recruitment & HR Partner at Viveo Health

Viveo Health is the frontrunner in telemedicine that provides an end-to-end platform to give customers instant access to the doctors (online and offline) that is covered by private health insurance.

The challenge: Increased volumes of HR documents and forms under time pressure

A regular hiring process at Viveo Health would usually include from 3 to 5 employment contracts or annexes to manage in a month. That’s a totally fair workload to handle manually. Though, due to rapid company growth and expansion to 5 foreign countries the hiring volumes got much higher - up to 3-5 candidates to close (and therefore contracts) a day.

At that moment Liisi was seriously considering hiring an HR/Contract Specialist who would take care of the documents drafting for new employees or figuring out how she could hand over some part of contract management to the direct or country managers.

Liisi Kütner comments on the HR documentation process before contract automation happened to Viveo Health:

“Usually, for me, during the high-volume recruitment periods, the main bottleneck used to be a contract drafting stage. A typical contract bundle consisted of 3-5 separate documents based on a role and included two languages as we hire internationally. So it meant a lot of copy-pasting of the same information again and again as well as playing around with the formatting. Personally, for me, it was a struggle to draft contracts between meetings and interviews when I had to switch from being in an interview mode to an eagle-eye contract writing mode. I must admit the mistakes were easy to slip in when rushing. At times, I used to take a separate day for contract management but sometimes deadlines weren’t that generous”.

The solution: Document management software for HR

The fact was that Liisi had to stay focused on recruiting top talents and onboarding new team members - she could not waste her hours on document drafting and managing the further contract process flow. To help Liisi stay focused Avokaado’s automated document generation took a chunk of her HR documentation process over:

  • Pre-approved templates: no need to start a document from scratch as automated templates cover all the possible alternatives in contract types and specific parts. Having all the logics and scenarios automated in a master template such as NDA makes contract generation more efficient and faster, especially when the employment contract is bilingual.
  • Mass-drafting: an employment contract bundle that consists of 5 separate documents (the main agreement, 2 annexes, an internal policy and tax-free income application) is now drafted with one questionnaire so Liisi gets 5 separate documents at the same time.
  • Automatic formatting: Viveo’s branding and style were added to the templates so it has totally Viveo’s look and feel on each document, automatically.
  • Document collaboration: A possibility to share the editing process with hiring managers as sometimes a new employee’s team lead adds the tasks to the contract before it’s sent out to be signed by the new employee, Liisi or management.
  • Document workflow automation: it was important for Liisi to have document workflow and movement on one platform that is super easy and logical. It helped get contracts executed right away - integrated electronic global signatures were especially important when hiring internationally.
“There were a few times I could start and finish drafting a contract with interruptions, it always felt it took 1-2 hours at least, if not more. It also depended on what information was needed to add and how quickly it was possible for me to get the information from the hiring manager or a new employee. Avokaado’s shared editing option solved this data collection bottleneck for me”. Liisi Kütner, a former Recruitment & HR Partner at Viveo Health

In addition, Liisi mentions that it’s very important that a new user would be able to draft and process a document independently after having an onboarding demo. So, quick onboarding and a user-friendly interface are must-haves. That’s what brought Viveo Health to the results way faster.

The results: Time saved and accuracy achieved

HR document management at Viveo Health experienced a clear difference in time before Avokaado and after Avokaado:

  • Cost efficiency: there was no need to hire an HR/Contract Specialist anymore, moreover, with multiple users, such hr document management software gets even more cost-effective.
  • Saved time: it’s directly connected with the speed of document drafting and contract workflow management, especially when scaling a company.
  • Compliance and accuracy: automated templates allow working at the speed of thought, but without human errors as well as achieve a consistent contract structure.
“Thanks to getting introduced to Avokaado there was no need to hire another person anymore, at least not right away. With Avokaado, I could trust that the layout for the final contract is always perfect and I never miss a field to fill in or update in a contract. So simple. After the onboarding period with Avokaado the workflow on contracts got a sudden relief”,

Liisi Kütner, a former Recruitment & HR Partner at Viveo Health

👉 Set up your first HR documents workflow in Avokaado: create a free account. Avokaado is a pioneer in digitizing document workflows. Our team is an expert in building document management systems, template development and collaboration platforms. 👉 Request a demo and we’ll show how you can start optimizing your contract and document management today.

Private Workspace

Manage all your contracts in a secure, private workspace in the Google Cloud Platform. Available out-of-the-box for every customer. Add your brand, colors, and even custom domain name to make your contracting portal natively yours. On-prem solution is available on demand as well.

Secure and private workspace in the cloud
Add your brand to make it yours
Available as cloud and on-prem setup
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Contract Automation

Enjoy a no-code, clause-based environment to automate contracts of any complexity. Create contract templates in hours using a wide range of built-in tools including variables, choices, and conditions. Design and manage your company-wide clause and templates library. No more mess with contract versions.

Clause-based contract automation in any browser
Dynamic variables, conditional clauses and much more
Native multilingual support
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Advanced Collaboration

Collaborate with your team members and 3rd parties throughout the contract lifecycle. Invite viewers and editors to negotiate the terms, and add approvers and signers along the way. Take over control of the full contracting workflow without hassle. All in your private cloud.

Built-in negotiation and collaboration tools
Approving and signing workflows
Full activity report
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Electronic Signatures

Sign contracts right inside your workspace using qualified electronic signatures providers like Dokobit and SignNow. Unlimited signatures are included with every Avokaado workspace. We make sure you can sign legally binding documents with any party across the globe.

Built-in Dokobit support
Globally compliant SignNow support
Unlimited signature with every workspace
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Storage and Management

Keep and manage all your contracts in Avokaado's secure workspace. Easily organize your storage with folders and tags. Share documents and folders across business units, users, and groups. Get a grasp on what is important with dashboard, search, and filters.

Organize storage across business units
Manage documents and folders access
Re-use data and bulk edit documents.
Learn more

Connected Contracts

Link your contracts to external systems such as Salesforce, Google Drive, Personio, BambooHR, Pipedrive, and others with the built-in integrations provided or request access to the Avokaado CLM Rest-API and connect your workspace to any system within your organization.

HRIS integrations (Persona, BambooHR, etc.)
CRM integrations (Salesforce, Pipedrive, etc.)
Rest-API availability
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